Friday, October 10, 2008

Welcome to the End Of Your Workweek

Happy Friday to all!

Welcome to the second edition of "The End of Your Workweek!"

Here's what you may have missed....

John McCain vs. Barack Obama

Speaking of Obama.... why aren't we allowed to know that his middle name is Hussein?? It's the man's name, why is it suddenly a swear word that we're not allowed to say in publc?

I'd like to file a lawsuit... I screwed up my hair, but decided that I want its original naturality back... even though for some reason I was at the store buying products to screw up my hair... Gee, wonder if I can win that kind of lawsuit....

Still not a good idea to have dairy products in China

Here's a tech lesson -- Youtube requires flash player to properly display its videos. If you ever get prompted to install a codec to properly watch a video, especially if you can view other youtube videos without problems, DONT click on the links provided, go directly to and install the free flash player plugins. :)

Along the lines of tech stuff.... hate to be the bearer of bad news, but its not really just Youtube that's at stake.

Here's the advisory referenced in the previous article -- Adobe's technotes on how to keep your microphones and webcams safe. Make sure you don't leave those plugged into your comp when not in use, by the way.

Where do THESE donors come from? How does donation for that work? I don't think its covered in an organ donor card... If this is possible, the latest X-Files movie might not be too far off in the future, eh? To all the transplant doctors of the world -- you guys have an awesome job and amazing capabilities.

The National Debt has a clock... and its running out of time... Digits, to be more precise.

The stock market is falling....

Hope the week went well. Don't worry about the news -- I got ya covered same time next week. :)

And now, its fortune time.


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