Sunday, December 28, 2008

3 day weekend! WOOHOO!

I remember the first time I took a three day weekend at work. I used a 'fake sick day', in that my doctor's appointment was really Thursday afternoon after work, not Friday. But I got the note and prescription all the same for my cover story, and used the actual sick time the next day.

That weekend was awesome! I took a nice long road trip far far away from the confinement of 'the cube' and put on a disguise that no one would recognize me in since the plan was to get my picture plastered on as many websites as possible. [50+, I lost count]

And then.... God smacked me and made me sick the entire week at work. So sick that I ended up using a real sick day.

I was stupid, I should have asked God for permission. And my friends that don't get more than 2 sick days a year at their jobs convinced me that sick time was 'vacation days in disguise'.

Anyhow, I get another three day weekend coming up tomorrow - the 3rd day. Like that last weekend, I shall make another ridiculously long trip in the car only to get a mere hour or two of fun somewhere else, and then spend an equally ridiculously long time coming back. No disguise this time, and no internet poster girl ambitions. Just hunting for some rare dives and pictures of another place.

Since I'm actually at my own computer now, I can leave you with a fortune!


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