Saturday, December 27, 2008

Somewhere on the other side of the world, there is someone who will share in the excitement with me....

I finally got my hands on the 3rd album by The Black Mages

There is no way to explain my giddy-ness for this:

Part One and part two of the opera scene from FF6. Thank You Nobuo Uematsu!! THIS is the song I've wanted you guys to rock out to since the first album!!!!

I'm a nerd, I know. But back in 1994 when my young music loving soul heard this for the first time, it was a pivotal moment in my musical life. *This* is what flipped that switch in my head that says, Hey - videogames can be more than fun. They can be musical too.

The world of videogames was never the same for me after this opera sequence. From then on I only played what sounded cool.

And just in case you're curious, here's what I heard 14 years ago:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Thanks to the cool person that sent the album this way! You rock!! :) Now I have something cool to put on the awesome mp3 player Santa gave me!!

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