Thursday, May 7, 2009

Knock knock...

Thanks to my good friend and all your comments reminding me that I should update and spice this place up a bit. :D

Interesting tidbits to say? Not really...... I mean sure I've got things I could go on and on about, but not right now. Its late at night, I'm tired as heck, and I got slapped in the face with several phone calls that kind of just knocked the wind out of me. My mind is bouncing back and forth like a ping pong ball, and I think my left eye is involuntarily twitching when I'm not trying to see it in the mirror.

Here's a quick cliffnotes of what's up:

The photography website is almost ready for viewing. woooo

I survived swine flu / didn't get hit with any symptoms. wooo x 2

I'm going to see Gavin Rossdale this month. wooo x 3

and I'm going to geek out at Project Akon and get some awesome pictures for the photography website. woooo x 4

Anyway, I'm out for now.

As Mookie, (who is, by the way, the one person I'm looking forward to meeting at A-kon) would say, Rock on.


OnnieBGood said...

dang girl! your posts are few and far between. What were you doing the whole time you were out with the eye thing? haha just wanted to say hello and stay stress free...i am the only one supposed to stress around these parts

Anonymous said...

seriously Jen, where the hell have you been? knock knock, is anyone home?