Thursday, October 2, 2008

13 years ago...

Thirteen years ago, 'cancer' was a word that happened to other people.

'Cancer' was a thing that made people die.

Cancer was incurable, and people who smoked or drank got it mostly....

Cancer was nothing I needed to concern myself with in my ripe years.

Thirteen years ago, I was wrong. I didn't know anything at all.

You can be perfectly healthy and get it. Never drink a sip of alcohol, never smoke a cigarette, never go a day without exercise and 8 cups of water.... and you can still get it.

.......and with the knowledge we have today, you can also live.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I learned this 13 years ago. Go learn about it today. Go get more knowledge than I had 13 years ago.

Find out where your nearest 3 day is taking place, and participate in the Race For The Cure this weekend. :)

And now, its fortune time.


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