You see, my car needed to be left with the mechanic again today so I needed to go do something that I could walk to. Hello thrift store!
I walked in expecting to smell the moth eaten old clothes, trip over old toys, and wonder if the rows of tvs and various electronics was actually in working condition. But to my surprise, it was a much different thrift store than any I'd ever been in.
Figured it was worth my time and I'd take a look around...
Then suddenly, like those terrible cliche movies where the light at the end of the tunnel is overly revealed to the main character, and a heavenly chorus sings "aaaaaaaaaa", I saw the bag!
I ran as fast as I could, as there was a crowd gathered around him... only to find that they were in awe of the jackets and sweaters on top of him, not the actual bag. Poor bag!
I grabbed the bag, full of golf clubs, and said I only wanted the bag... the clubs have no use. The sales lady answered me in such a tone that I had to assume I'm not the first person to give such a request. 'Bag is priced as marked with or without the clubs.'
Are you sure, I say.... this club has a dollar sticker on it.
'Price as marked with or without the clubs.'
Okay I'll take it.
Poor Maxfli had a horrendous coffee stain, lots of dust, and a strange yellow film on him due to sitting in the same place for so long. Looked like the 18 wheeler I was driving behind the other day that was so dirty, someone drew the following message on it: "Also available in white."
Almost wasn't sure if it was worth my time...
But having gone to Academy and seeing him -- the exact bag -- for almost 200 dollars, I figured that a little elbow grease for the 5 dollars I paid for him was worth my time after all.
Lo and behold, he is good as new!! See for yourself!

He shall be my photography companion for as long as he will hold up. :)
And now, its fortune time.
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